Tuesday 7 September 2010

Recipe for delicious Green Sunshine Juice

Green Sunshine Juice (formerly called Shrek Juice!)

- the top of the morning to you!

¼ to ½ cucumber

1 stick of celery (more if you like it – I hate it (!) but it is a good source of mineral salts)

¼ to ½ lemon

¼ to ½ lime

2-3 apples

1" slice of pineapple (if fruit sugars are not contra-indicated for you)

a large handful of spinach, kale, green lettuce, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, beet tops – anything green and leafy – or a mixture of whatever you have in the fridge as long as it is green and leafy (and edible!)

If your greens are very dark and strong, you may need more lemon, lime and apple. The whole point of this juice is to get the green chlorophyll plant juice in the green leaves into your body in a readily accessible form – fresh living juice. We need to sweeten it and cut the green taste and the citrus fruits and the apples do this beautifully. If you have some pineapple to hand, that goes in well also.

We take ½ to 1 pint each of this every day and it forms a wonderful foundation of nutrition to keep you going during the day. If you have an early start, make it the night before and put it in a vacuum flask in the fridge. It is better fresh, but better old than none!

Shrek Juice = Nutritional Insurance

1 pint of this everyday will give you loads of energy, clear your skin and make you feel more inclined to take healthier options for food choices, almost without thinking.

3 of these per week and you have a 76% reduced chance of developing Alzheimer’s – which is a huge benefit. That was just from one 10-year study on juicing.

Best juicer?

Breville Café Style

Juicer (JE4)

Sturdy machine, lots of stainless steel makes it a strong machine. Efficient and very quick.

Philips HR1861 Pro Aluminium Juicer

Good value – easy to use but not quite as durable as the JE4.

To find the cheapest seller of these machines, do your internet searches through the shopping genie - free application backed by google, yahoo and ebay: download absolutely FREE from: www.comparethebargains.com

Do the normal search and then use the "compare" button on your shopping genie toolbar and it will sort ALL your search results into the cheapest.